Andrea and I have become really good friends over the last few months. Shortly she'll be gone, leaving me by myself for another 2 weeks on the ship. BUT we figured, since she's in Europe already she should just come and visit me in Germany! And that's what we are going to do. She'll stay in Rome with her family for a couple days and then we'll fly to Germany the day I sign off. She'll be visiting with me for 10 days and I cannot wait for her to meet my family and friends as well as for them to meet her! Und jetzt noch einmal fuer meine deutschen Freunde: meine verrueckte Mitbewohnerin vom Schiff kommt mich direkt nach Ende meiner Zeit auf dem Schiff besuchen, da es fuer sie guenstiger ist, von Deutschland aus in die Staaten zu fliegen als ein Ticket fuer einen Flug direkt von Rom nach Kalifornien zu kaufen. So verrueckt kann es manchmal sein! Ich freue mich also riesig, ihr mein zu Hause zu zeigen als auch ihr meine Familie und Freunde vorzustellen. Und wer weiss.....vielleicht flieg ich sie dann auch schon sehr bald besuchen ;-)
Sunday, July 25
Wednesday, July 14
What is there to do on a ship? Part Two
It is funny, once you get used to your new surroundings you don't even notice how beautiful it is and everything is so normal. Lately I've been running around with my camera just in case I saw something on the ship that seems so normal to me now but is actually really cool. So here are some more pictures of my home that I will have to leave in a few weeks. Yes, my time on the ship is coming to an end and I can hardly believe it (like always when something seems so big at the beginning but then becomes the most natural thing).
Thursday, July 1
Some funny/random pictures
(here in the collosseum in Rome, Italy)
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