Another year has gone by and it is that time to look back and reminisce.
I'm thinking of a C.S.Lewis quote: “Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different?” This past year has brought a lot of changes for me. I changed jobs (I'm now working with toddlers in a daycare) and I'm back in school getting the degree "Early Childhood Education". I traveled again a bit (Israel, California, Wales, England) and I also just enjoyed time in my home in Berlin, the best city in the world by the way :P. All in all an amazing year. And still I find myself being restless once in a while looking at how green the grass is on the other side. Is there anything I'm missing out on? Will I ever look back and regret that I didn't do this or that?
Life is a gift. Everything that comes our way is a chance from above to grow and to learn. Comparing gifts doesn't help. It just doesn't make you happy. It's something that I want to internalize and really live by. Everyone of us is created to be beautiful and unique. Let's be exactly that. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2018 to you and yours!