Sunday, November 28

Snail Mail on the Explorer

Hello everybody, I thought just before Christmas I should send you my snail mail address so you can send me postcards and/or German chocolate....haha. No seriously, I would love to receive some "real" mail. And yes, I'll be running low on German chocolate soon.

So here it is:

Anna Esau
Youth Staff
Explorer of the Seas
14 Terminal Boulevard
Bayonne, New Jersey 07002

Please make sure you copy it correctly otherwise it won't make it all the way into my precious hands.

So I went to this really amazing beach in St. Marteen like 2 weeks ago and it was very cool, something completely new to me. When you see one part of it you might think it's a normal beach:

Maho Beach in St. Marteen

But when you turn around you see this:

an airport!

small jets flying in...

...and big planes taking off.

Some of the guys holding on to the fence while the plane is taking off right in front of them, causing the sand to hit our faces and the rest of our bodies so hard that it hurt.

And when I'm not on beautiful islands in the Caribbean I'm actually working and enjoying different kinds of skylines, like the New Jersey one.

Newark, New Jersey

Or I hang out with my friends after work, here with my german/dutch friend I roomed with the first two weeks we got on board.

And yes, I dyed my hair :-) And Julia doesn't always look that scary. She is just really excited to take that picture with me...

So that was it for today. Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends, einen schoenen ersten Advent an alle meine deutschen Freunde, and hope to hear back from you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

schön, von dir zu hören und dich zu sehen (auch wenn nur auf den Bildern und dem Video.
wir wünschen dir ein frohes, unbeschwertes, zufriedenes, gefühlvolles, spannendes neues Jahr.
wir vermissen dich sehr und freuen uns schon riesig dich wieder in die Arme zu nehmen und mit dir zu weinen und zu lachen.
die Kinder erinnern sich mimmer wieder daran das du immmer noch auf dem Schiff bist (dank deinem Bild am Kühlschrank)!
wir bibbern hier vor Kälte und haben Schnee on mas (der jetzt langsam taut) und wenn ich dann so deine Bilder sehe von Sonne, Pools und dem Meer kommen verborgene Wünsch hoch (die kein deutscher Weihnachtsmann erfüllen kann!)
wir wünschen dir viel Freude an Gott und den Menschen um dich herum, möge Gott dich beschützen und seine Hand über dir halten!
deine Benno und Lizzy
Mariella Deborah & Elias