Sunday, May 16

Day Six: O Pedrouzo - Santiago de Compostela

Today was the final countdown til Santiago and I started at 19,3 km to go.

It was a picturesque walk today, much prettier than I had anticipated. With no rain it was so much easier to walk and to enjoy nature. Also, there were quite a few pilgrims on their last leg that I hadn't seen before.

Halfway there

As I was walking the last 10km of the camino I looked back at the last three months. It felt like I had gotten more than I had bargained for. Initially I had planned on walking the Camino Francés which starts in southern France in the town of Saint Jean Pied de Port, right by the Spanish border. The whole way til Santiago is about 750 km long. This plan however did not work out. Instead I "had" to go to France. I was able to do the Via Podiensis which is part of the camino and it was the same amount of km than what I had initially wanted to do. After, I got to go to Peru. The cherry on top though was the possibility to come back to Spain and finish in Santiago de Compostela, at the end of my sabbatical. So I do think that I got more than I had bargained for.

Walking into Santiago but still about 4km left til the center of the city

The famous cathedral of Santiago de Compostela

My certificate that I concluded the Camino de Santiago


Unknown said...

Congratulations, you made it! Fantastic! Sandra

Unknown said...

Great!! Congratulation :)