Sunday, May 9

Day Twenty Four: Some Peruvian Dishes

Having been in Peru for the past 3,5 weeks was also definitely a culinary experience for me. 

Saltado de Pollo y papas helados


La trucha frita y choclo con chicha morada

Ceviche con chaufa de mariscos

Lomo saltado

Choclo con queso

Chilcano de pescado

Leche de tigre



Locro de zapallo

Sopa de tarwi

Revuelto de vainitas

Causa limeña

There are just a few of the meals of the past weeks. It is said that Peru is a culinary destiny and I would agree! One picture I didn't take and I'm sorry I didn't is of the dessert called Tres Leches. That was my favorite!

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