Saturday, April 3

Day Thirty Three: Navarrenx - Aroue

Last night we stayed at a gîte with the name 'Le Cri de la Girafe' (The cry of the giraffe) and we had such a pleasant evening and dinner with our hosts. According to its name they also decorated the entrance of the gîte. We really enjoyed our time with them!

When leaving town we saw something genius: a pizza place where you can order your pizzy 24/7 and get it in 3 minutes. Not sure of the quality but who cares when you are really hungry...

Again, pilgrims are being portrayed in a funny way. They look more like pirates than anything else. And I guess these statues are always men.

The day started with gray clouds and even some drizzle.

Later it gave way for the sun.

From afar this is our gîte for tonight. It's simple but also beautiful.

our door stopper


Unknown said...

Morgen habt ihr dann den letzten Abschnitt der Via Podiensis in dee Liste des Weltkulturerbes der UNESCO bis Ostabat vor euch. Ich wünsche euch eine gesegnete Zeit!

Beautiful Feet said...

Danke! Wer schreibt denn so nett? Hier steht nur unknown als Sender...

Unknown said...

Sandra. Ich weiss nicht, wie ich den Namen in den Kommentar rein bekomme. Es macht jedenfalls viel Freude virtuell bei deiner Pilger Reise dabei zu sein.