Thursday, April 15

One Day I'll Fly Away

I'm nervous, excited, anxious, curious, and exhausted. I'm sitting in an airport and waiting for my first flight in about 1,5 years. But it feels more like my first flight ever. The airport is empty, quiet, and brand new. People definitely have made fun of how long it took to get it done. Now that it's done people can't really celebrate it because, well we all know why. 

My three month sabbatical has gone anything but according to plan, well at least my plan. This is my third attempt on going to Peru and visiting a dear friend I made while working on cruise ships. Who knows. This time I might succeed and make it to the other side of the world. So the adventure continues and once my nervousness passes I'm sure I'll start looking forward to discovering a place in the world I've never been to. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We wish you a great journey!
From Sandra