Tuesday, March 16

Day Fifteen: Gréalou - Limogne-en-Quercy

Today was such a good day! I walked about 28 km and enjoyed every minute of it. Here are some pictures of today.


This is how I imagined the camino but it only started being like this these days. The days of going up and down so much are almost over. Hallelujah!

Today we ran into our friend Rémi again and had dinner with a woman (Karen) we had met a few stops ago as well as her brother. That's how we dined tonight. C made lasagne and salad and our guests (Karen and her brother) brought the wine. It was a feast. 


We met Karen a few nights ago where she was talking to our French friends about "Les chanteuses" (the singing ladies). She had heard of two German girls singing at a hostel and the hosts told her she would be lucky to meet them. Turns out she was talking about C and I!

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