Thursday, March 25

Day Twenty Four: Condom - Montréal-du-Gers

So today was another great day. I was happy to leave the city to be out in the middle of nowhere when I ran into this girl:

Noza is from Uzbekistan and funny enough, I had heard of her in my hostel in Lectoure two days before. She was walking in front of me on the path at some point and when I was at her height we politely greeted each other (which everyone greets everyone here when you are going through villages. Me as a city girl had to get used to that...) and she asked me something in French. I looked a bit puzzled and since I didn't answer right away, she said: "Is English better?", and the rest is history. We walked the rest of the way together, exchanging stories what we'd experienced so far and so on. We are both staying in Montréal tonight, Noza camping but me at a gîte:

Noza accompanied me to the gîte and we had some coffee and french fries with mayo. It must be my favorite in the world.

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