Tuesday, March 9

Day Nine: Saint-Côme-d'Olt - Estaing


This morning it showed quite a bit of fog when leaving the hostel but with the hint that it would be a beautiful day!

At some point after going up and down crazy hights we saw some sort of canyon


We passed this cute little town medieval style

I hadn't seen a sign like this in a while. It says the distance to Santiago in Spain of 1432 km from here. Still a long way to go for me!

Obviously this is a very Christian path and we keep seeing lots and lots of crosses...

... and animals...

Today we are spending the night in Estaing. What a day! I'm completely tired and ready for some dinner now. I knew this adventure would take a lot out of me. Some days are easier, some are harder. Today was hard. Beautiful but hard. Tomorrow is another day which promises to have its challenges. But I will not think of tomorrow! Yet. 


Unknown said...

Was für schöne Bilder. Danke, dass du uns ein bisschen mitnimmst.

Unknown said...

Ich dachte mein Name steht da, ich bin's, Vanessa :)

Beautiful Feet said...

Freut mich, dass ihr mit mir unterwegs seid!